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The “Genderbread Person” Mandate Bill: SB 1 – Family Institute of Connecticut

The “Genderbread Person” Mandate Bill: SB 1 – Family Institute of Connecticut

Senate Bill 1 mandates “comprehensive sex education” curriculum for every district and requires the State Board of Education to recommend curriculum. Some school districts in CT already use elements of CSE, or whole CSE curriculum. But if this bill passes, it will be mandatory for EVERY district. That means that parents won’t have a say, local school boards won’t have a say, even superintendents won’t have a say in whether or not to include CSE in their curricula.

What will CT consider Comprehensive Sex Education?

Comprehensive Sex Education starts AT LEAST in pre-k according to
page 32 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education for Sexual Health

The Connecticut State Department of Education has already developed recommended “age appropriate” standards for Comprehensive Sex Education and they incorporate many activist language and ideas and are not considered appropriate by Connecticut parents.

Here are excerpts from the recommended 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education for Sexual Health. These standards were adopted by the Connecticut State Board of Education in November 2021 (pages 13 & 16 are pages 9 & 12 in colorized version). These are considered age appropriate core concepts for sexual health by the State of Connecticut.

PK TO GRADE 2 (ages 4 to 8): Core to the curriculum for PK through grade 2 includes non-parental adults teaching children as young as 4 to know and use “medically accurate” names for their private parts. I don’t know about you, but in today’s world there is no way I want anyone at the local school initiating a conversation with my 4 year old about penises – also known as “grooming.”

Also from page 9 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Connecticut State Department of Education for PK to Grade 2:

HR 1.1.2 Describe different types of families (. . . same-gender, . . . ).

Should we be mandating this for EVERY PK-2 classroom in Connecticut? Here is an example of “medically accurate” information already in one Connecticut school . . .

GRADES 3 – 5 (ages 8 to 11): it is considered “core” to Comprehensive Sex Education that children discuss and master “sexual feelings” and “masturbation” no doubt being taught in a mixed-sex setting (p.12, SH1.2.5). Is there no concern for maintaining modesty between the sexes anymore?

“(SH 1.2.5) Explain . . . sexual feelings, masturbation . . .”

Also for 8 to 11 year olds, from section SH 1.5.5, p.12 of the Connecticut State Department of Education Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework for Health Education and Physical Education. . . lessons on transgenderism for 8 year olds.

“(SH 1.5.5) Describe how people are similar and different (e.g., sexual identity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, etc.)”

You know this is where we get the “gender bread” man worksheet and the gender unicorn exercises . . . these or similar exercises to be MANDATED for your local school.

FOR GRADES 6-8, AGES 11 to 14, from pages 12 & 9 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Connecticut State Department of Education. . .

SH 1.2.8 Explain sexual activity . . . (i.e. vaginal, anal, oral).

SH 1.9.8 Summarize . . . using condoms consistently and correctly when having sex,

SH 1.11.8 Explain . . . the potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender.

SH 1.12.8 Define and explain differences between cisgender, transgender, gender nonbinary, gender expansive and gender identity.

HR 1.1.8 Differentiate among gender expression, gender identity and sexual orientation.

HR 1.5.8 Explain why it is wrong to tease others based on personal characteristics (such as body type, gender, appearance, mannerisms, and the way one dresses or acts).

In the hands of teachers and administrators with progressive goals, the failure to use another student’s preferred pronoun can constitute “teasing” and “gender harassment”. We already know that the “Connecticut Safe School Coalition“, a quasi state entity, states that “[c]ontinued intentional misuse of the student’s name and pronouns, and reference to the student’s former gender by school personnel OR PEERS may undermine the student’s therapeutic treatment and potentially deny the student an equal educational opportunity, and is contrary to the goal of treating all students with dignity and respect. Such misuse may also breach the student’s privacy, and may create a risk of physical and psychological harm to the student.” (Emphasis added)

HR 1.9.8 Discuss how affirmative consent mitigates confusion within a sexual relationship.

Teaching girls age 11-14 how to “say yes” is grooming them for sexual intercourse. Better to let local administrators, accountable to local parents, or maybe even parents themselves, choose when to discuss these topics with pre-teenage and teenage girls

More FOR GRADES 6-8, AGES 11 to 14, from p.12 of the 2021 Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Connecticut State Department of Education. . .

SH 1.1.8 Identify resources, products . . . supporting sexual health.).

RESOURCES AND PRODUCTS? As of 3/20/23 you will find in the RESOURCES section the Connecticut State Department of Education Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education, a link to There you can find RELIABLE PENIS PUMPS on the front page. This is not an appropriate product for our pre-pubescent children or even our teenagers. Our legislators don’t know what they are voting for. Our Connecticut Department of Education does not pay attention to what it is recommending (or does it?). Local school districts will be expected to select from this grab-bag of sexually charged and exploitive curriculums and resources. Curriculums that incorporate questionable if not completely inappropriate information for school room discussions. recommends this resource: promotes Quick Extender Pro Results: Real Review with Before & After Pics [2023]

And don’t forget grades 9 – 12. Where the state will place a capstone on their radical Comprehensive Sex Education with indoctrination of radical gender theories as accepted social norms.

“HR 1.8.12 Summarize the benefits of respecting individual differences in aspects of sexuality (such as . . . sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity), . . . .”

“HR 1.6.12 Evaluate effective strategies for handling challenges in relationships (e.g., family members . . . ).”

This concerning Comprehensive Sex Education mandate is hiding within Senate Bill 1: AN ACT CONCERNING TRANSPARENCY IN EDUCATION which the Education Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly heard on March 8, 2023. Use our Action Center to contact your legislators today.

Not only is this bill another unfunded mandate on school districts, it will be used by the State Board of Education to encourage and embolden librarians to add additional filthy and pornographic materials to school and local libraries.

Comprehensive Sex Education curriculum encourages sex content to be flooded into the juvenile sections of libraries and online through electronic devices distributed to schools. From a Glastonbury High School Library.

We’ve uploaded the 2021 version of Sex Health Guidelines for your information. FYI, the CT State Department of Education “cleaned up” this version during the 2022 election and it no longer contains the most graphic and nauseating descriptive terms from the core content indicators – but you know they will still be enforced and are considered part of the standards. They are just hidden from your view.

We’ve also uploaded less fancy version originally approved by the Connecticut State Department of Education and can still be found on their government website. Search for the words “masturbate”, “vaginal, anal, oral” to find Sexual Health core standards. These standards will be recommended to local school boards to fulfill their CSE mandate (SB 1, sec. 4(d)), and be used to review their compliance when they “attest” (SB 1, sec. 4(c)).

Individual school districts should be able to discern whether Comprehensive Sex Education will be taught in their schools if not preserved exclusively for the realm of private discussion between parents and their children. Please contact members of the Education Committee today (e-mails are listed below), and use our ACTION CENTER to contact your own legislators before the members vote this bill out of their committee.

IT ISN’T EVEN EFFECTIVE. Legislators will be told that Comprehensive Sex Education is necessary to protect children, but a recent “study of Comprehensive Sex Education studies” concludes that “Some of the strongest, most current school-based CSE studies worldwide show very little evidence of real program effectiveness. In the U.S., the evidence, though limited, appeared somewhat better for abstinence education.” Connecticut should let each school district decide for themselves about appropriate sex education, if any and at what time based on their local feedback.

What can you do?

We recommend creating an e-mail to yourself, then “cutting and pasting” these addresses into the “bcc” section of your e-mail. This way, you can send one e-mail to all the legislators on the committee.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected][email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected][email protected][email protected], [email protected][email protected][email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected][email protected]

These committee members prefer the use of a contact form. You may use these individual online forms to send them your message.,,,,,

More examples of Comprehensive Sex Education in Connecticut curriculum:

Questions and Answers about SB1:

How do we connect these “core concepts” in orange above, to SB1 Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE)? The bill does not truly define what CSE is, so for any rational person, looking at where CSE turns up elsewhere at the state level is the logical next step to finding out what they mean when they say CSE.
The State of Connecticut “Sexual Health Core Content Indicators” for the “Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Health Education and Physical Education” (HBLCF) it offers a definition: “Comprehensive Sexual Health Education: Programs that build a foundation of knowledge and skills relating to human development, relationships, decision making, abstinence, contraception, and disease prevention. Ideally, school-based comprehensive sex education should at least start in PK-and continue through 12th grade. At each developmental stage, these programs teach age-appropriate, medically accurate, and culturally responsive information that builds on the knowledge and skills that were taught in the previous stage.” (Glossary of Terms, HBLCF p 32, emphasis added).
In the references section (p 36, same document), it refers to this document: Future of Sex Education Initiative. (2020). National Sex Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K-12 (Second Edition)
There is no link, but if you google that phrase, it brings you to this: The document they reference is one click off of this page, and that is where one may find the info on masturbation, etc.

This link is also helpful in pointing toward a definition that will be used by the Connecticut Board of Education. This is currently on the CT website:
This is from halfway down the page, right before #3: “Sexual health education is a component of comprehensive school health education programs and should be medically accurate and based on current research. It should be standards-based using national or state developed standards such as the National Health Education StandardsNational Sexuality EducationStandards, and the [Connecticut State Department of Education]’s Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework and should be offered as part of a planned, ongoing and systematic program taught by certified, highly qualified and effective teachers.”
The state itself points you back to those same national standards here as well. Those are the standards that specifically mention masturbation, etc. There is no good reason to believe that the state would then adopt different standards after the bill passes.

MORE ANALYSIS: “Comprehensive sex education” is not defined in the bill.  They are obfuscating and that is one of the problems with SB1.
“Comprehensive Sex Education” (CSE) is an umbrella term. CSE is directly referenced in page 12 of the SIECUS standards. SIECUS is a national organization.
The SIECUS standards were used as a basis for the State of Connecticut Department of Education 2021 and 2022  “Sexual Health Core Content Indicators” for the “Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework – Health Education and Physical Education” (HBLCF) curriculum in orange highlight above (remember, scrubbed in 2022, but 2021 is still on their website).
They use the same/similar language (page 12 of HBLCF and starting page 18 of SIECUS standards). This HBLCF is a “recommended” Comprehensive Sex Education Curriculum developed by the State of Connecticut Department of Education.
Per SB 1, the State Board of Education must adopt CSE standards and they will likely use the standards already developed by the Connecticut Department of Education (the HBLCF curriculum).  The Connecticut Association of Boards of Education (CABE), the State of Connecticut Department of Education and the State Board of Education use each others materials frequently.
Note, Boards of Education would have to include CSE in their program of studies per the bill, but don’t necessarily have to use any State BOE’s recommended curriculum yet.  But that law will be easily modified, and parents/administrators will have little ability to resist what the State BOE recommends once they are forced to include CSE in their curriculum.  Local Boards of Education will actually have to report back to the State BOE about how they are doing it.

3/17/23 update: Has this bill passed the Education Committee? What are the next steps? SB1 is a “raised bill” that had a public hearing on March 8. The Education Committee may vote it out of committee (to “JF” it) next week (week of March 20). It is likely to be on the agenda for their next meeting. Please consider attending their meeting and wearing a sticker against SB1. More information to follow and join us at our next meeting on March 23, 12pm.

Source: The “Genderbread Person” Mandate Bill: SB 1 – Family Institute of Connecticut

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CT Liberty Rally is an active, grassroots organization in Connecticut, promoting the American ideals of Liberty, Freedom & Individual Rights, and addressing liberty issues affecting citizens of our state.

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