The Lockdown and Restrictions expire by

We the People of Connecticut’s Declaration

on Midnight February 10, 2021






What is Make Me Day?

Make Me Day is the day we the people lawfully declare the restrictions over, and one man executive rule, over.

King Lamont has wrecked lives and livelihoods, and we can no longer afford to wait for another election for even more irreparable damage to occur.

We, the citizens committing to Make Me Day, are in the for the long haul, for the reasons stated in the Declaration of Make Me Day. The Declaration also lists the peaceful, lawful measures that we can take and reserve the right to take, should they become necessary as the King refuses to relinquish his authority.

The first reading and signing of the Declaration is January 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Hartford.

The all-in enforcement of Make Me Day starts February 10, 2020 post-haste with reporting, listing and economic boycott.


Why Make Me Day?

Politicians and courts have been paralyzed with fear, and afraid to act.

The time to wait for someone to act for us, or for another election, is over.

The human suffering, safetyism and oppression are documented in the Declaration in simple terms.

As noted in the Declaration of Make Me Day [link], there is no plan to return to any degree of normalcy, at all. The time to force it by free association, conscientious objection and boycott is here and has arrived.

We are human beings. We claim the right to normalcy and freedom from Munchhausen by Proxy by Royal Decree, and Declare abolished King Lamont’s Stanford Prison Experiment [link to Wikipedia article for the experiment].

The electoral process has broken down irretrievably. It’s winner take all, loser be universally imposed upon approach has failed, and resulted in One-Man Rule.


What Orders Apply to Make Me Day?

Any orders that require masks, require vaccinations, impose reduced business hours, impose capacity limitations, require quarantine after travel within the United States, or impose restrictions on the right to work or of religious worship, or to limit the ability of a local Board of Education to conduct its affairs. We also include restrictions, limitations or infringements on the General Assembly’s ability to convene, as well as those on due process, speedy trial and habeas corpus.

We Declare and absolutely will enforce by all peaceful means the restored State of the Law as it was March 8, 2020 as to these items.

We reasonably understand the King will need time beyond February 10, 2021 to address agency functions and the like. He may, and we think he should, be otherwise lenient on businesses and individuals with mandates and deadlines to facilitate the remainder of the transition to orderly business. That’s for Ned Lamont to work out with the General Assembly.

How Does this Work For COVID Enforcers?

The King’s refusal to relinquish one man rule is an absolute usurpation of our rights to normalcy, and of life and liberty, and entirely unworkable.

Continuation of the same shall mean that those committing to Make Me Day will, under all circumstances, refuse to buy, sell or trade with King Lamont personally or as a business – FOR LIFE.

We will be adding to [LINK TEXT “The List of Oppressors”] all COVID enforcers reported by their victims. Said enforcers will be subject to the same ban – FOR LIFE.

A reporter agrees, under penalty of false statement, to identify: (1) who they (the victim) are; (2) the activity complained of (which must be enforcement action of the executive orders to either fine, jail or close down the business of the victim); (3) the COVID enforcer, along with first and last name, as well as a picture. If there are multiple enforcers or an order triggering the action, please use the reporting function for each individual enforcer; (4) the Executive Order enforced along with a brief description of the enforcement action; (5) the date of the enforcement action that occurred on or after February 10, 2021; and (6) submit their proof of the enforcement action taken by way of sworn statements (notarized), written notices and any other means available (video is also an option).

If all the criteria are met, we will post the name and picture of the enforcer (and video to the extent possible or known) on the Boycott For Life List.

Example: An officer sees you not wearing a mask in public. He issues you a ticket for $500 for not wearing a mask. You send us the ticket and give us the info. He goes on the list.

NOTE: This is not a function to report violations of NON-Executive Order law that would have been illegal prior to March 16, 2020. This is not a tool for you to settle ongoing disputes unrelated to COVID Executive Orders.

I’m the Governor or a COVID Enforcer or Government Agent Shutting Down, Limiting or Fining a Business. What Happens if I am Reported On for my Enforcement Action per Executive Order Restrictions on or After February 10, 2021?

Lifetime consequences happen. You go on the list.

There is no real-world way your victim could have meaningful due process. Therefore, we don’t give it to you either.

None of us do business with you ever again for any reason.

For example:

A grocery store committed to Make Me Day will not sell to you. Our people working in a store not committed won’t bag your groceries or cash you out because, ironically, they don’t feel safe – nor should they around you if you are on the List.

A barber committed to Make Me Day will not cut your hair.

A plumber committed to Make Me Day will not fix your broken pipes at 3AM.

Flat tire? No garage committing to Make Me Day will tow your car.

If your garbage man is committed, he stops coming.

If you happen to be in the middle of getting a roof done and you get reported, our people immediately walk off the job.

No one committed to Make Me Day will buy, sell, trade or gift you any service or good of any tangible or intangible value.

We may even greet you in public, peacefully, by the salutation “Under His Mask”.

You never get off the list, ever.

Your immoral decision to ruin a life or livelihood carries that price.

Your poorly thought out decision to undo the fabric of civil order and the court system leaves you with no functional recourse.

We’d rather you didn’t enforce immorality or oppression. You have the option of quietly looking the other way. You also have the option of moving out of State.


[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”Make Me Day INFORM”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]


How Does this Work for COVID Reporters Seeking to Trigger Enforcement?

They go on the boycott for life list too, which is [here], for any such activity after Midnight on February 10, 2021.

You may use the COVID Enforcer Reporter page [link], and submit their name, their picture and documentary proof that they in fact did report you to 211 or some authority for violations of King Lamont’s executive orders. For example, you did a FOIA request for the report, and you received records from a government agency identifying the Reporter, submit that. If we can verify that you personally were the victim of COVID reporting, we’ll put the violator on the List.


How Does this Work For COVID Enforcing Businesses?

You can and also should report businesses that are hostile to returning to any degree of sanity or normalcy [here], so we can publish a list [here], and these businesses are those that absolutely require adherence to the oppressive restrictions Make Me Day seeks to end.

The goal is to absolutely deny businesses hostile to normalcy all revenue, and force them to change their ways as to their customers ONLY or close forever. Our position is that the employer business is responsible for the employees’ conduct within said business.

If you are a business on the COVID Enforcing list, please notify us [here] to certify that you have taken corrective action to no harass, haze, shame or intimidate customers into mask wearing and pledge, under penalty of false statement, that you are taking a neutral, hands off approach to the Executive Orders.


What’s The Make Me Day Position on Masks and Vaccines?

If you want to wear one or take one, that’s your choice.

You have no liberty if you cannot make your own medical choices.

The Make Me Day position is self explanatory.

Using physical force toward effectuating masks or vaccination is assault. Assault is never moral, right or justified.

Let the King show us who he really is by doing that. Let everyone else see it, and be the judge.

What am I Signing Up For?

You get your life back by refusing to comply with restrictions to the extent necessary you individually need to. You get a community and a network of mutual aid and support as best we can develop it, and we are in it for the long haul.

Our goal is to end the train of abuses complained of in the Declaration of Make Me Day [Link to Declaration], restore representative government by peaceful conscientious objection to oppressively arbitrary rules, end physical distancing and restore the right to life, livelihood and freedom of faith and expression.

Unlike King Lamont, the Reporters and the COVID Enforcers, we are all in, all the way, and to the end.

Multi-hundred day stretches of lockdown will never, ever happen again.





We, the people of Connecticut, do ordain and declare “Make Me Day” of the 15 day lockdown for political and financial purposes will arrive.

We also do make this declaration as our last attempt to petition the Crown, King Lamont, for redress of our grievances.

We do the same recognizing that it will take a period of time for the King to transition, and especially because of the complex web of executive orders.

The Orders Expire February 9, 2021, and his Majesty King Lamont is Dethroned.

February 10, 2021 is “Make Me day”. WE declare the requirements, restrictions, sector rules and “non-essential” classifications over as of Midnight on February 10, 2021.

The date is set. It is not negotiable. The King never made one-man Rule up for discussion, so, in turn, this is not up for discussion.

We are not getting to day 365 of a 15 day lockdown.

Whether or not the King abides by the expiration and allows a peaceful transition to rule by representation is irrelevant. That choice is no longer his.

The right to live, work and of health autonomy and religious worship is in full support, function and effect on “Make Me Day”.

We participants agree that we will not comply in any manner or in any respect with ANY limitation above and beyond those of existing law as of March 8, 2020 that we don’t feel like.

Our gatherings will be normal. Our businesses will resume normal hours, or whatever hours they want within the law as of March 8, 2020.

We will support and prioritize first our business and association with those who join this Declaration.

If any of us participants want a vaccine – we will seek it out.

If anyone wants to live in fear – that’s their right. However, it’s not their right to make us live in fear, indefinitely.


We do this because we have to, because the health risks of allowing one-man rule far outweigh the risks of COVID-19 in the long run.

We do this because the King has willfully ignored CDC advice, selectively applying it as he sees fit in the form of travel bans and in other ways.

We do this because the King has obliterated entire lives, fortunes and careers through is Executive Orders.

We do this because, in all of the things the King has done, the basic standard is functionally whether he believes he can get away with it – and that standard is evident between how he treats education versus restaurants, churches versus package stores, and small towns versus large cities.

We do this because the King has purposefully paid people to not ever work or find work, and he has done it in such a manner as to punish those who have struggled to find increasingly diminished amounts of work. He has permanently obliterated many thousands of livelihoods irreparably by his individual actions and Executive Orders.

We do this because of those who fell through the cracks, and were mostly or entirely abandoned without help.

We do this because the King has sidestepped existing public health law, and now plots to make an experimental vaccine mandatory, and plans to even ignore existing State Law on mandatory vaccination to do it.

We do this because the King has abandoned his post on several occasions, allowing the Lieutenant Governor to act as Governor with her own royal decrees without the removal or incapacity of the Governor required to lawfully do so.

We do this because the King has taken far more than either this State or the United States could ever compensate us for.

We do this because the King has rigged our elections by purposefully confusing the process, overruling his Secretary of State and taking steps to protect vested interests by excluding both primary challengers and general election candidates from appearing on the ballot.

We do this because he has restrained travel and commerce among States, and acted contrary to his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The results have separated families indefinitely, and even delayed restoration of power during a major storm. This will only worsen supply chain collapses in the event it is allowed to continue.

We do this because the King has forced us, during this time of intentional economic and human destruction, to pay for the continuations of special interest benefits.

We do this because the King has allowed Governor Cuomo to dictate what happens in Connecticut, and Cuomo is not presently the rightful ruler of this state, nor is he in New York.

We do this because the King has indeed copied, emulated and made himself subservient to Governor Cuomo, and used virtually daily press briefings to operate as a celebrity Governor, and further contribute to the psychological warfare necessary to keep the Citizens of this State in perpetual fear, and under a condition of psychological torture.

We do this because there are no real plans to ever leave us alone, or conclude the State of Emergency. We are cognizant that PCR testing methodology above 25 cycles, calling everyone who tests PCR positive a “case”, and using the PCR positive on or about the time of death to call someone a “COVID-19 associated death” means that, by the King’s measuring stick, the lockdowns will never end.

We do this because the King has allowed municipal bodies to disenfranchise taxpayers and property owners by ratifying municipal budgets outside the normal process, thus rendering mayors and boards of selectmen functional Lords assigned their own fiefdoms.

We do this because the General Assembly and the vast majority of elected officials in the Democratic and Republican Parties have abandoned us, their duties and their offices by NOT doing all the necessary to end this.

We do this because the division of one party rules all and everyone else loses has gone too far, and it has created a set of problems we can no longer vote our way out of.

We do this because the alternatives are homelessness, starvation and drastically impaired health outcomes.

We do this because the King has played politics with public health; he has rendered the masks a political statement and his own political party exempt from gathering restrictions and executive orders – so much so that they were even allowed to congregate on highways.

We do this because the King will bankrupt both our Towns and our State Treasury, and he will then use this destruction to justify ever increasingly oppressive levels of taxation.

We do this for all the reasons set forth in the Declaration of Independence referring to King George’s frustration of ordinary life complained of there, and because King Lamont has mirrored that playbook, he himself even having suspended the Legislature, and habeas corpus.

We do this because the works of King Lamont are and indeed constitute an entire breakdown of civil order in the name of fear and safetyism for the sole end of perpetuation of the same, and whose end has no plan or foreseeable conclusion based on the King’s data methodology.

We do this because the King has exercised unknown powers that do not exist at all in American jurisprudence to declare your right to live and life void by rendering people “essential” and “non-essential”.

We do this because all of the above are orchestrated and done by way of the King conspiring with his personal court of consultants who make sweeping changes to daily life, consultants who make all decisions from the mundane to life and death without consulting us or taking our individual needs into account.

We do this because the King has taken bipartisan politics of ‘winner take all, loser gets nothing’ approach to its logical conclusion: indefinite autocracy by one man Rule.

We do this because no one is protecting our rights but us, and we can no longer wait.

We do this for the common good, for the principle that governments are instituted among men for security and the general welfare – not micromanagement of the individual and specific special interest welfare.

We do not view this as you are with us or against us. We are against the unlawful, harmful edicts of the King. If you do not want to assert your rights or your wish to live in fear, you should remain neutral, and make no reports to the King or his enforcers.

Should you side with the King and assist in his works antithetical to law and civil order, we will not associate with you, support you or support your business. You will never be allowed to take off that uniform of oppression.

In turn, and because this has gone too far, and should Make Me Day arrive and the Executive Orders not be concluded, the King too will have no customers, association or business with those of us committing to Make Me Day. That includes a lifetime, non-negotiable ban from every private establishment signed up and committed to this necessary effort.

We expect our duly elected representatives to convene and resume normal business as a Legislature as of February 10, 2021. If they refuse to serve us and instead serve the King’s limitation upon their assembly, we will hold our own elections, and send new representatives to Hartford.


If, then, our efforts to work peacefully within the form of government we are being denied, we will invoke Article I §2 of the Connecticut Constitution. “All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and they have at all times an undeniable and indefeasible right to alter their form of government in such manner as they may think expedient.” To that end, if it be necessary, we will issue a call for all of Connecticut’s municipalities to send representatives to a new State Constitutional Convention, whose purpose will be to reestablish Order and take any necessary steps to establish necessary Amendments so that our present crisis does not repeat. We will take away from Government the power to commit the wrongs we now organize and pledge to undo. The King should and is directed to take clear notice that, in the event a Constitutional Convention becomes necessary, the existing debts and obligations incurred by his one man rule will not carry over.


We’ll do all of this peaceably, too.

Let the King use violence, fear and misinformation to continue One Man Rule if he may, and we indeed expect that he will in the event this petition falls on deaf ears.

Based on the way the King has proceeded, we expect he will make examples or attempt mass coercion. We are in for the long haul. We will prevail because the King has destroyed the means, the trust and the credibility to make perpetual executive rule continue. The fear will eventually subside, and the King will run out of options.

Either way he wants to proceed – continue One Man Rule through violence and fear or end the State of Emergency voluntarily – the decision on the King’s methodology won’t change the outcome.

If the King wishes to tear this state in half and inflict misery and suffering to continue the Lockdown, he will have to act like the usurper he is – openly and in the light of day.

Showing up at the Capitol and refusing to leave until he ends Executive Rule and resigns at some point after Make Me Day is not out of the question.

Whether the King likes it or not, we declare and will effectuate the end of his reign as of February 10, 2021, on Make Me Day.

To that end, we pledge to the cause and mutually to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.



Please pass this on to the next person affected by these injustices complained of. We really are in this together.

Together, we end this.

CT Liberty: About Us

CT Liberty Rally is an active, grassroots organization in Connecticut, promoting the American ideals of Liberty, Freedom & Individual Rights, and addressing liberty issues affecting citizens of our state.

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