OPEN UP CONNECTICUT: No more child abuse!
OPEN UP CONNECTICUT: No more child abuse!
We took away school, play, sports, church, dating – basically, life – from kids and young adults age 0 – 30, and then threw them all in masks all day.
These ages are approx. 35% of the Connecticut Population, and there have been 12 “COVID-associated” deaths. Sad, yes, but, statistically, extremely rare.
86,704 known infections 0 – 30 years old (actual infections may be 4x to 8x higher due to asymptomatic infection and mild cases going unreported) (
12 “COVID-associated deaths 0 – 30 years old (not qualifying for the on-average 2.6 comorbidities that these people have) (
Insert math: 12 / 86,704 = 99.975% Recovery Rate